
Association of Retired
Flag Rank Officers

The Association of Retired Flag Rank Officers

The Association of Retired Flag Rank Officers (ARFRO) in Sri Lanka came into being in 1996 was as a result of an invitation from the Worldwide Consultative Association of Retired Generals and Admirals (WACARGA) to participate in their activities. Senior Officers from some 40 countries have Joined this Assocation which meets occasionally to discuss matters of professional interest.

At a meeting held in London in September 1995, the subjects discussed were “ Peace keeping, Peace building – Today’s Dilemma and “Proper Soldiering – The Ethical Approach. These proceedings were sent to the Secretary General of the United Nations who had promised follow up action. Four Officers from Sri Lanka participated at these discussions.

Officers who have held senior appointments in all three services, have a wealth of experience which will no doubt be of great value tothe future generations of officers. The Association hopes to consolidate these views and have presentations at which serving officers are invited to be present and participate in these discussions. It is not the intention of ARFRO tointerfere with or cut across the formal training given to officers. ARFRO is a professional body ready to advice when requested to do so. The second objective of ARFRO is to assist ex-service persons and their dependents to live “free from want. Through RFCSS, ARFRO assists in counseling young war widows and their children.