
Association of Retired
Flag Rank Officers

27th November 2023 12:25:35 Hours

Guest Lecture by Professor Renuka Jayatissa MBBS MSc MD FPGIM FCCP

The third Guest Lecture for 2023 was conducted by ARFRO on 23rd November 2023. The Topic was ‘Healthy Lifestyles’. It was delivered by Professor Renuka Jayatissa, Specialist in Public Health and Nutrition.

The hall was packed to capacity with an attentive gathering of ARFRO members, serving Officers from all three forces, both senior and junior, as well as student Officers from Defence Services Command & Staff College.

They were entertained to a very enlightening lecture that is relevant to all people of all age categories, irrespective of gender. A string of questions that followed indicated the effectiveness of the speech. and interest drawn to the content.